Thanks for your response.I originally would have ideally liked to try to retire early, but not sure what that would be like and if you would regret it later12 years ago at age 53
Excellent decision and outcome for us
OP. What is your status and current thinking on your potential retirement?
I recall when I was pre early etirement I had no concern that I might have regrets. Instead, my concern was — can I do this because it seemed odd to be leaving a profession during my peak earning years, at least it seemed odd to the masses. But I had some friends and family that had not followed the beaten path, and I valued independence*, so seeing that others could do it I knew that I could do it also. So I did. That was the big benefit for me of knowing of others’ experiences. That is to say, it can be done!
*Thoreau: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”
Statistics: Posted by J295 — Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:35 am