My wife called me out recently. She was snoozing on our pouch when a pair of dogs started balking and being aggressive toward her. I chased them off the property. If this was a one-off event, this would not be an issue, but this is not the first time these pair dogs have shown up. My kids reported that they saw them killed off some birds near the bird feeder so they are frighten of the dogs. The dogs have also confront them in our driveway.
My neighbor said that he often see the dogs wandering around the neighborhood. The dogs are from a nearby neighborhood that keeps escaping their yard. The owner eventually look for them when they figure out thy are gone and they like to hang around our block.
What do you think I should do. I do not want to build a fence. I thought about tracking down the owner and try to get them keep a better eye on them. I could also make hanging out in my yard unpleasant for them by turning on the sprinklers. There are leash laws, but I don't know if they apply to dogs that escape their yard. I don't even mind the dogs visiting my yard (the neighbor's dog visit often), but they are particularly aggressive.
This happened to me many years ago when my GC were playing in my yard. I called the cop shop who told me they have better things to do. I thanked them for their service. I bought a can of bear spray from Dick"s sporting goods. Hey that stuff works, never saw them again.
Statistics: Posted by bstevlin — Wed May 08, 2024 1:17 am