Bond ladders are for people who:I think Tom T. makes a good point. A smart investor can definitely get a bond ladder going, but what happens to that ladder when the smart investor passes and their not so interested spouse takes the reins. That spouse is likely going to reach out for help with it, and there are lots of sharks in the water. All my investment decision making is centered on making things as simple as possible for those that get what’s left when I pass so that the odds of it ending up with a shark are as low as possible.
(a) are young and don't worry about what happens to the ladder after they are not around to manage it
(b) enjoy tinkering, like those who drive manual instead of automatic, and change their own oil
(c) are fascinated by the idea that the NAV of their individual bonds is "guaranteed"
Bond funds are for the rest of us.
Statistics: Posted by UpperNwGuy — Mon Sep 02, 2024 8:02 pm